TerraWest Consulting

Mapping/GIS Services

GIS – Geographic Information Systems allow users to quickly and accurately assess spatial data and make informed decisions in the face of complex data sets. Our specialized GIS team provides critical support and value to all of our services and supplements our field and conceptual work with real-world visual representation. We use up-to-date industry software and tools to provide clients with relevant, crucial spatial context.

GIS Analysis

Environmental Mapping and analysis cover a broad range of services using geospatial data and the capabilities of the ARC GIS software including:

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Lidar Data Acquisition and Analysis

LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a remote sensing technology used to create a three-dimensional mapping of the Earth’s surface. LIDAR emits high-frequency light most commonly from an overhead laser on an aircraft or helicopter and measures its reflectance with a scanner to produce an accurate, geo-referenced location of each point or object on the earth’s surface, as well as its height. The result is a dense, three-dimensional point cloud of an area that can be used with photogrammetry to produce highly accurate three-dimensional digital elevation and digital terrain models (DEM and DTM).

TerraWest Consulting has experience in using LIDAR point cloud data to prepare 3D DEMs and DTMs and manipulating them to analyze flood inundation, building heights and line of sight, parkland topography, and trail location, in corridor mapping, and building and feature extrusion. We are also skilled in using LiDAR for vegetation analysis, changes in forestation, and site selection.

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