Jason Duncan

Jason Duncan

Jason Duncan brings a unique background of investment brokers, real estate, and ranch management to the team at Terrawest Conservancy. He has managed and operated numerous ranching and farming projects, and has taken that knowledge and passion into several aspects of the business environment. After obtaining his Series 7, 63 & 65 Licensing, he went on to manage several large portfolios before forming DVT (Deer Valley Trucking). Starting with operations in North Dakota and Wyoming, DVT eventually expanded to become one of Forbes Fastest Growing Companies, ranking #46 in the nation in 2012. Mr. Duncanhas since developed several proprietary logistics software programs and spends much of his time combining his business acumen with his love for nature and wildlife. His background brings a specialty in project oversight, planning, and conceptual design. Along with his long-standing history with Oil & Gas development, Jason serves as a liaison for several environmental projects and energy developers.