TerraWest Consulting is exceptionally positioned to understand the science of natural processes so that we can bio-mimic them in design projects. We do this by utilizing the knowledge of our ecologists, botanists, terrestrial biologists, aquatic biologists, CEQA/NEPA specialists, and water resource engineers. This comprehensive understanding allows our team to both create aesthetically beautiful and ecologically functional designs. The balance of form and function allows our design projects to thrive through natural regenerative and sustainable processes.
- Sustainable Landscape Site Planning
- Planting and Irrigation Plans
- Visual Analysis
- Interpretive and Educational Projects
Our team of landscape architects, Clean Water Act specialists, biological resource specialists, and revegetation specialists work with each other to develop a well-rounded understanding of past and present site conditions.
Together, they develop plans that can help reform the land, address drainage issues, restore diverse habitats (including wetlands); address the removal of exotic, invasive, and/or noxious plants; and revegetate an area for natural restoration. Guided by their strong knowledge of applicable regulatory requirements, we target restoration planning, implementation, and maintenance activities to create ecologically sound and sustainable sites. ⏱
TerraWest Consulting can plan, manage, and monitor the effectiveness of restoration projects. Meanwhile, our team of environmental consultants helps our clients remain compliant and are actively looking to reduce overall maintenance commitments. Additionally, our site restoration specialists use best management practices for native plant relocation and revegetation techniques. They also provide noxious and invasive weed management.
Services include:
- Baseline vegetation mapping and inventories
- Native plant salvage and preservation plans
- Plant salvage research
- Wetland/habitat restoration design
- Species-specific mitigation plans
- Native-seed-mix selection
- Fish habitat evaluation and development
- Water harvesting and conservation design
- Noxious and invasive weed management plans
- Supplemental irrigation design
- Mitigation plan development
- Permit acquisition and compliance
- Construction observation and monitoring
- Mitigation and revegetation success evaluations