TerraWest Consulting routinely prepares the following environmental documents:
- Environmental Constraints Analysis/Screening Reports
- CEQA Documentation
- Initial Studies
- Negative Declarations/Mitigated Negative Declarations
- Environmental Impact Reports
- EIR Addendums
- Statement of Findings
- NEPA Documentation
- Environmental Assessments
- Findings of No Significant Effect
- Scoping Reports
- Environmental Impact Statements
- Records of Decision
- Combined CEQA/NEPA Documentation
TerraWest will also prepare any necessary Notices of Intent, Preparation, Availability, Completion, and Determination, and will coordinate Scoping Meetings and Public Hearings. AES also routinely assists in the preparation of adoption/certification documents such as Findings of Fact, Statements of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation Monitoring, or Reporting Plans. In addition to CEQA/NEPA document preparation, the team at TerraWest Consulting can also provide the following:
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans
- Permit and Grant Applications
- Air Quality Impact Assessments
- Biological Resource Assessments
- Cultural Resource Reports
- Environmental Noise Assessments
- Wetland Delineations
- Arborist Surveys
- Land Use Consistency and Compatibility Analyses. ®